About Me


Elnaz Yousefzadeh Barri

/el ˈnɒz jʊsefzɒdə Bæri/ (B.Arch., M.U.D., Ph.D., Urban Data Scientist)

I am a transportation planner at the System Planning Branch, Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO). I have been a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto and worked as a research consultant on the Mobilizing Justice project at the University of Toronto. Additionally, I have been a visiting Ph.D. researcher at the Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems lab in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto from 2019-2021. I hold my Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning from the Department of Urban Planning at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. My research interests are Transportation, Travel Behaviour, Urban Planning, Spatial Analysis, and Machine Learning models.

My Ph.D. dissertation focused on investigating the impact of transit networks and land use on shaping travellers' mobility patterns and travel decisions in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), Ontario, Canada. To achieve this aim, I utilized several spatial analysis methods and machine learning techniques.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I have also been actively involved in teaching as a sessional lecturer at the Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto Scarborough, and as a part-time instructor at the School of Urban and Regional Planning, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University).

Recent Published Works

Exploring the Joint Impacts Income, Car Ownership, and Built Environment on Daily Activity Patterns: A Cluster Analysis of Trip Chains

Exploring the Joint Impacts Income, Car Ownership, and Built Environment on Daily Activity Patterns: A Cluster Analysis of Trip Chains

Yousefzadeh Barri, E., Farber, Jahanshahi, H., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Beyazit, E. (2023). Exploring the Joint Impacts of Income, Car Ownership, and Built Environment on Daily Activity Patterns: A Cluster Analysis of Trip Chains. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. [download] [codes]

Understanding Transit Ridership in an Equity Context through a Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms

Understanding Transit Ridership in an Equity Context through a Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms

Yousefzadeh Barri, E., Farber, S., Jahanshahi, H. & Beyazit, E. (2022). Understanding Transit Ridership in an Equity Context through a Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms. Journal of Transport Geography. [download] [codes]

Can transit investments in low-income neighbourhoods increase transit use? Exploring the nexus of income, car-ownership, and transit accessibility in Toronto

Can transit investments in low-income neighbourhoods increase transit use? Exploring the nexus of income, car-ownership, and transit accessibility in Toronto

Yousefzadeh Barri, E., Farber, S., Kramer, A., Jahanshahi, H., Allen, J. & Beyazit, E. (2021). Can transit investments in low-income neighbourhoods increase transit use? Exploring the nexus of income, car-ownership, and transit accessibility in Toronto. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 95, 102849. [download] [codes]
